
Sunday, May 16, 2010

new digs

Well folks, it finally happened. I am a proud resident of SALT LAKE CITY. I moved in to my apartment about a month ago, and the time has gone sooooooo fast. Today as I unpacked and organized more boxes in my bedroom, I started thinking about all the events and decisions leading up to this point in my life, and how different from how I imagined it would be when I was in high school. I fingered through old photographs, journals, books, knick knacks, some from this country, others from far away, and sat on my bedroom floor re-living days gone by. Its been long enough for some things that I wondered why I've been hauling them around from place to place and felt ok throwing them away, but others got carefully re-packed and saved for another trip down memory lane. I realized these are the things that make up a life. Its been interesting meeting new people, telling them I recently moved from Logan, that I'm a hairstylist, that I'm from Utah. That introduction is so clean, precise, defined. But as I sort through boxes of recipes I want to attempt, destinations I still want to go to, craft projects waiting to be started or finished, books half read, friends long lost contact with, its messy, complicated, and chaotic. But this is me. And somehow I've managed to squeeze it into a semi-organized 12x14' bedroom. But more importantly I'm happy with who I am, where I am, and where I've been. Different? Yes. Unexpected? Definitely. Worth it? Absolutely.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


4 Sale:

Whirlpool Washer & Dryer Set
2 years old

I bought this set 2 years ago when I lived with 2 other girls, then a year later I lived alone so it hasn't been used much. I moved to a new apartment and don't need it anymore.

If you know of anyone who may be interested, I'll sweeten the pot by tossing in a set of shampoo and conditioner to whoever gets it sold for me. :)
