
Sunday, May 16, 2010

new digs

Well folks, it finally happened. I am a proud resident of SALT LAKE CITY. I moved in to my apartment about a month ago, and the time has gone sooooooo fast. Today as I unpacked and organized more boxes in my bedroom, I started thinking about all the events and decisions leading up to this point in my life, and how different from how I imagined it would be when I was in high school. I fingered through old photographs, journals, books, knick knacks, some from this country, others from far away, and sat on my bedroom floor re-living days gone by. Its been long enough for some things that I wondered why I've been hauling them around from place to place and felt ok throwing them away, but others got carefully re-packed and saved for another trip down memory lane. I realized these are the things that make up a life. Its been interesting meeting new people, telling them I recently moved from Logan, that I'm a hairstylist, that I'm from Utah. That introduction is so clean, precise, defined. But as I sort through boxes of recipes I want to attempt, destinations I still want to go to, craft projects waiting to be started or finished, books half read, friends long lost contact with, its messy, complicated, and chaotic. But this is me. And somehow I've managed to squeeze it into a semi-organized 12x14' bedroom. But more importantly I'm happy with who I am, where I am, and where I've been. Different? Yes. Unexpected? Definitely. Worth it? Absolutely.


Amber said...

well, there couldn't be a better update than that. happy with who you are, where you are at, and where you have been. and excited for new adventures! i'm so happy for you. enjoy! you deserve it!

Amie said...

Pierra, I just have to say...I miss you! I was just thinking today about the good old days (and by that I mean Woodrose) I was remembering all of our long chats in the hallway and how you were my best friend (don't worry I still consider you a best friend:)) but I just miss hanging out and chatting about whatever and whomever. So with that said. I'm glad you are all settled in to your new place. I really do want to come by next time we are in the Salt Lake area. And I wish I lived closer to you (and all the other girls) but that's what makes our parties and get togethers so special. Love ya lots and I'm so glad I can call you friend. (Tear)

Megan said...

Love this post :) Sounds like a voice over I would hear at the beginning of a movie. lol.

mcbingham said...

T!! You are seriously so captivating in your words! I was drawn in and felt myself reminiscing and taking a moment to think of my own life. You definitely have a gift with words and stories. I'm glad that you live closer to me now and can't wait to hang out again soon. Thanks for being such a cute and thoughtful friend! Love ya

Troy and Lisa said...

So I was going through my cedar chest last week and read old notes and cards and things from our Jr. High days...our inside jokes don't make any sense to me anymore, but man were we dorky and I don't think we even noticed! That's what's so great about jr. high I guess...glad I got to see you recently and I'll be calling soon when I have time for me too!

Chelsea said...

I am SO happy you are here in Salt Lake now. It is MUCH better. Glad you're getting settled and hope you're happy here. :)
